Elmer C. Rivera, Daniel C. Assumpção, Hyun J. Kwon, Christopher C. Okonkwo, Thaddeus C. Ezeji, Rubens M. Filho, Adriano P. Mariano, Mechanistic modeling of redox balance effects on the fermentation of eucalyptus wood-derived xylose to acetone-butanol-ethanol, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2022.108738
Taylor, J.W., Rivera, E.C., Kim, S., Campbell, R., Summerscales, R.L., Kwon. H.J. Machine Learning Analysis for non-linear phenolic compound monitoring using a mobile phone based ECL sensor, Sensors, 2021. DOI:10.3390/s21186004.
Rivera, E.C., Taylor, J.W., Summerscales, R.L., Kwon, H.J. Quenching Behavior of the Electrochemiluminescence of Ru(bpy)32+/TPrA System by Phenols on a Smartphone-Based Sensor, ChemistryOpen 2021, 10, 842. DOI: 10.1002/open.202100151
Rivera E.C., Summerscales R.L., Uppala P.P.T., Kwon H.J. Electrochemiluminescence mechanisms investigated with smartphone-based sensor data modeling, parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis. ChemistryOpen, 2020, doi.org/10.1002/open.202000165
Hyun Kwon, Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Jonathan Swerdlow, Rodney Summerscales, Padma Uppala, Rubens Maciel Filho, Mabio Neto, Development of smartphone-based ECL sensor for dopamine detection: Practical approaches, Results in Chemistry, 2020, vol. 2, 100029;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rechem.2020.100029
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Jonathan Swerdlow, Rodney Summerscales, Padma Uppala, Rubens Maciel Filho, Mabio Neto, Hyun Kwon, Data-driven modeling of smartphone-based electrochemiluminescence sensor data using artificial intelligence, Sensors, 2020, 20(3), 625; https://doi.org/10.3390/s20030625
Celina K. Yamakawa, Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Hyun Kwon, William E. Herrera Agudelo, Marcelo B.W. Saad, Jairo Leal, Carlos E.V. Rossell, Antonio Bonomi, Rubens Maciel Filho, Study of influence of yeast cells treatment on sugarcane ethanol fermentation: Operating conditions and kinetics, Biochemical Engineering Journal (BEJ), v. 147,p. 1-10, 2019; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2019.03.022
Kwon HJ, “Design Focused Engineering Outreach Program” Proceedings of Design Education Conference” Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Design Education, 2017
Kwon HJ, Web publication utilized as a communication tool for first year engineering students, e17464, ASEE, 2016
Kwon HJ and Dodge BT, QCM-D Monitoring of binding-induced conformational change of calmodulin Biosensors, Biosensors Journal, 4:2, 2015
Kwon HJ, Use of COMSOL Simulation for Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics course, Computers in Education Journal, 23(3), 2013
Kwon HJ, Hess M, Polski R, COMSOL simulation of transdermal toxin expulsion via adsorptive dermal patch, Proceedings of COMSOL, 2013
Kwon HJ and Akyiano E, Simulation of cyclic voltammetry of ferrocyanide /ferricyanide redox reaction in the EQCM Sensor, Proceedings of COMSOL, 2011
Kwon HJ, Bradfield CK, Dodge BT, and Agoki GS, Study of Fluid and Mass Adsorption Model in the QCM-D Sensor for Characterization of Biomolecular Interaction. COMSOL, e63561, 2009.
Kwon HJ, Koo JH, Zufall F, Leinders-Zufall T, Margolis FL. Ca extrusion by NCX is compromised in olfactory sensory neurons of OMP mice. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(1):e4260.
Tang L, Kwon HJ, Kang KA. Theoretical and experimental analysis of analyte transport in a fiber-optic, protein C immuno-biosensor. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2004 Dec 30;88(7):869-79.
Kwon HJ, Peiper SC, Kang KA. Fiber optic immunosensors for cardiovascular disease diagnosis: quantification of Protein C, Factor V Leiden, and cardiac Troponin T in plasma. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2003;510:115-9.
Kwon HJ, Balcer HI, Kang KA. Sensing performance of protein C immuno-biosensor for biological samples and sensor minimization. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2002 May; 132(1):231-8.
Balcer HI, Kwon HJ, Kang KA. Assay procedure optimization of a rapid, reusable protein C immunosensor for physiological samples. Ann Biomed Eng. 2002 Jan;30(1):141-7
Lee YJ, Kwon HJ, Choi SA, Chang YK, Chang YH, and Kim JD, Surface Properties of Metallophthalocyanine LB Films and Their Sensing Applications. Crystals Science and Technology Section A - Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1999. 337:501-504.
Kwon HJ, Lee YJ, Chang YK, and Kim JD. The Application of Octa-Substituted Metallophthalocyanine Langmuir-Blodgett Films for NO2 Measurement. The Korean Sensors 1998. 7 (4), 254.
Choi SA, Lee YJ, Kwon HJ, Chang YK, and Kim JD. Alternatively Stacked Langmuir-Blodgett Film of Phospholipid and ZnO as an Olfactory Sensing Membrane. Mol Cryst Liq Cryst. 1997. 295:149-152.
William Yoong and Hyun Kwon, State of health predictionof Lithium-ion battery using deep learning strategies and LSTM, MASAL March 17, 2023, Andrews University
Hyun Kwon1, Elmer Ccopa Rivera and Rodney Summerscales, Machine Learning Analysis of Multimodal Data from a Smartphone-Based Electrochemiluminescence Sensor. 173k, AICHE annual conference 2022, Nov 13-18, Phenoix, AZ, USA
Elmer Ccopa Rivera1, Hyun Kwon1, Thaddeus Ezeji2, Rubens Maciel Filho3 and Adriano P. Mariano3 Kinetic Modeling of the Acetone–Butanol–Ethanol Fermentation of Eucalyptus Wood-Derived Xylose By Clostridium Beijerinckii NCIMB 8052, 195e AICHE annual conference 2022, Nov 13-18, Phenoix, AZ, USA
Taylor J, Kwon H, Rivera E, Summerscales R., Electrochemiluminescence detection of phenolic compounds., MASAL, March 12 , 2021
Elmer Alberto Ccopa Rivera, Nicholas Navarro, Jaymes Carson, Jonathan Swerdlow, Adriano Pinto Mariano, Mr. Mabio Ramos Coelho Neto, Dr. Rodney Summerscales, Dr. Padma Uppala and Dr. Hyun Kwon, A novel approach to model ECL reaction mechanisms with the aid of machine learning, MASAL, March 13, 2020
Hyun Kwon, Padma Tadi Uppala, Elmer C. Rivera, Mabio R. Neto, Daniel Marsh, Jonathan Swerdlow, Rodney Summerscales Development of a smartphone based electrochemiluminescence biosensor for dopamine detection in advanced breast cancer, , AACR Annual Meeting April 24029, 2020 in San Diego, California
Kwon HJ and Rivera EC “Electrochemistry Modeling of a Smartphone Based Electro-chemi-luminescence Sensor”, Annual COMSOL conference, October 7, 2020.
Elmer Rivera, Jonathan Swerdlow, Adriano Pinto Mariano, Mabio Ramos Coelho Neto, Dr. Rodney Summerscales, Dr. Padma Uppala and Dr. Hyun Kwon, ILLUPHENS: Smartphone-based electrochemiluminescence sensor to monitor phenolic compounds in wastewater from biofuel plants, 42nd Symposium on Biomaterials, Fuels and Chemicals, April 26-29,2020 New Orleans, LA, USA
Hyun Kwon, Elmer Rivera, Mabio Neto, Jonathan Swerdlow, Rodney Summerscales, Padma Uppla, Cancer Biomarker Detection Using the Smartphone Based ECL Immunosensor, Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineers Society (BMES), Oct 17-19, Philladelphia, PA, 2019.​
Hyun Kwon, Padma Tadi-Uppala, Elmer Rivera, Rodney Summerscales, Development of a cell phone-based electrochemiluminescence biosensor to detect breast cancer biomarkers , American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), #1636, Atlanta, GA, March 29-April 5, 2019
Jonathan Swerdlow, Rodney Summerscales, Hyun Kwon, Developing mobile application for electrochemiluminescent biosensor control and analysis, MASAL, March 6, 2019
Jeremy Barrett, Carlos Germosen, Rodney Summerscales, Daniel March, Hyun Kwon, Elmer Rivera, Mobile Phone based ECL sensor for dopamine detection, MASAL, March 6, 2019
Daniel Marsh and Hyun Kwon, Mobile technology based ECL instrumentation, American Institute for Chemical Engineers (AICHE), Oct 28-Nov. 2, Pittsburgh, 2018
Daniel Marsh, Ester Carrasco, Jisu Choi, and Hyun Kwon, Development and Configuration of Mobile-Phone based ECL Biosensor using [Ru(bpy)3]2+ and DBAE”, MASAL2017, Western Michigan University, March 2nd, 2017
Hyun Kwon, Daniel Marsh, “Signal Enhancement of Electro-chemi-luminescent Sensor with Mobile Phones”, ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conference. Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, OH, Aug. 6-9, 2017
Hyun Kwon, “Design Focused Engineering Outreach Program” ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conference. Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, OH, Aug. 6-9, 2017
Michael Hess and Hyun Kwon. Simulation of fluid and structure interaction for design of pressure–progressing spray fitting apparatus. MASAL 2016
Kwon HJ, Web publication utilized as a communication tool for first year engineering students, annual conference of ASEE, New Orleans, LA, 2016
Daniel Marsh, Jisu Choi, and Hyun Kwon. Instrumentation Strategy for Mobile Phone Based ECL Biosensor, MW BME conference, Champaign, IL, Nov. 4, 2016
Ester Carrasco and Hyun Kwon, ECL Biosensor Signal Detection via Mobile Phone for Minimal Instrumentation, MW BME conference, Champaign, IL, Nov. 4, 2016
Kwon HJ, Novel fluid channel design for paper based biosensors. ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, TX, Nov. 13-19, 2015.
Rufaro Musvosvi and Kwon HJ. Development of the Labview Interface for Thorlabs™ Optical Trapping Kit Data Collection and Control” ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, TX, Nov. 13-19, 2015.
Michael Hess and Kwon HJ. Prototyping to Validate the Design of Pressure-Progressing Spray Fitting Apparatus. ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, TX, Nov. 13-19, 2015.
Kwon HJ, Mathematical models of protein interactions in the QCM-D biosensor for fractal surfaces, MASAL, Berrien Springs, MI, 2015.
Kwon HJ and Robert Polski, Computational Model of Light Propagation in Skin and Subcutaneous Blood Vessels for Vein Imaging Devices, the annual meeting of Biomedical Engineers’ Society (BMES), San Antonio, TX, Oct 22-25, 2014.
Kwon HJ and Alyson Drew, Paper-based biosensor for colorimetric detection of PSA biomarker, the annual meeting of Biomedical Engineers’ Society (BMES), San Antonio, TX, Oct 22-25, 2014.
Journal Publications